If you’re not moisturizing after each and every shower you take this winter, then you’re doing your skin a great unkindness. In fact, odds are good that it’s already letting you know that by making you suffer from dry and flaky patches. If your skin’s not cracked and itchy yet, it most likely will be by the end of the winter.

What can you do about it? Correct your moisturizing mistake, of course!

Don’t believe us? Well, according to Discovery Health, we are speaking the truth. So read on to learn the scientific reasons why your skin needs special attention after every single shower you take during the colder months. Your skin will thank you for it!

How Showering Strips Your Skin

You might already know that your skin is made up of three different layers. There’s the subcutis, the dermis, and the epidermis. The epidermis is the outermost layer, as well as the layer affected by showering.

The epidermis is mostly made up of keratinocytes, which are tough little cells that help your skin hold onto moisture. These defensive cells work best when covered with a thin layer of oil, which your body naturally produces. When you shower, you strip away this layer and make the job of the keratinocytes a lot harder.

Why Hot Water Is Drying

So there you are in the shower, and your skin is quickly losing its ability to retain moisture. At the same time, the heat from the shower’s hot water is opening your pores. Of course, you’re taking a really steamy shower because it’s been a long, cold winter day and you desperately need to relax.

Can you see where this is going? Your skin’s moisture now begins to rapidly escape through your open pores. You are quite literally evaporating, and it’s almost as if your skin is crying.

Why Moisturizer Is So Essential For Freshly Showered Skin

Before you start considering putting off bathing until next spring, let’s talk about moisturizers. Fortunately, applying the proper moisturizer immediately after showering can nourish and protect your freshly washed, vulnerable skin.

A good moisturizer will work with your keratinocytes to hold in moisture until your body has a chance to produce more skin oil naturally. It can also replenish some of the moisture that has just escaped through your pores. For added softness, apply the moisturizer to damp skin before softly patting yourself dry.